Malaysia, Clinton and TPP


World Future Online

With the controversial TPP on its way to materialization, the real question is what happens to the treaty once the it is inked and a Hilary Clinton administration in place at the White House?

The fact is, Hilary Clinton could turn out to be the most difficult president to handle, being as uncomprimising as she has proven to be during her time as Secretary of State.

Ask the dead leaders of Libya, the deposed leaders of Tunisa, Egypt and the embattled leadership of Syria for references!

Even more pungent than any potential Republican administration on the eve of President Barack Obama’s exit from American politics, Hilary’s possible election as the next leader of the ‘free world’ will be spell bound for the TPP.

The TPP or the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, once signed by the Obama administration would not be the same under a Clinton or any Republican administration.

The weaknesses left untouched in the TPP agreement, thanks to the persistence to sign the biding agreement no matter what the impending causes and effects would be on the signatory nations – which includes Malaysia and other innocent Asean states – would be laid bare.

These would be exploited to the maximum, and with Obama out of the way, the next American rulers will probably use the back-door entrances left wide open with a hasty signing of the deal to drag the member states into an anti-China trade bloc.

Malaysia will be even more vulnerable, since the TPP agreement will be voted – almost certainly winning more votes than opponents to the dubious trade deal – thus becoming a nationally and internationally ratified document.

The binding principle will be that the United States – the dominant member of the TPP – will have all the rights to and power to influence the Asean in its anti-China drive in the region.

By extention, Russia will altogether fall victim to the TPP deal, with Washington having a stronger pressurizing fist on the weakened arms within the Asean thus widening its ‘sanctions’ against the Vladimir Putin administration.


