UMNO minority government in Terengganu


Ktemoc Konsiders

TMI – Najib to meet with Barisan reps tonight in light of state political impasse


Datuk Seri Najib Razak will be meeting all Barisan Nasional (BN) Terengganu assemblymen tonight in Putrajaya, following the state’s political impasse, The Star Online reported. […]

The Star Online also reported that the source said the assemblymen would also discuss numerous possibilities, including dissolving the state assembly.

The dissolving of the state assembly and rumours of fresh elections were abuzz in social media when Datuk Seri Ahmad Said was replaced by Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman as Terengganu Menteri Besar yesterday.

These rumours were triggered when three Umno assemblymen – Ahmad Said, Ajil assemblyman Ghazali Taib and Bukit Besi assemblyman Roslee Daud – quit the party and turned independent representatives today, in reaction to the removal of Ahmad Said. […]

It was reported earlier that Umno deputy president and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was also on his way to Kuala Terengganu to meet Ahmad Said to find a solution to the crisis. 


Kaytee suspects those merajuking threesome, if true to form as per the typical UMNO kakis, are applying pressure (polite word here, wakakaka) on Najib to come up with some ‘motivating solutions’, wakakaka.

Mind you, there would of course be some genuine grievances on the part of ex-MB Ahmad Said who must have dearly wanted his daughter to be married on Saturday as the daughter of the State MB for ‘various reasons’ (face maybe, wakakaka).

The juicy Malaysian grapevine has it that Ahmad Said would have been replaced as MB immediately after the May 2013 state elections due to his poor election performance, but under a ‘face-saving’ deal, Najib agreed to let him hang on for an additional year.

If that had been the case, then Ahmad Said has reneged on that deal. I applaud Najib for standing firm in asking him to hand over the MB position to Ahmad Razif instead of allowing him to hang on until after Saturday … because it’s not unlikely he will find further excuses to hang on ….. indefinitely, wakakaka.

We need to also recall that Ahmad Said had been the personal choice of HRH.



Normally a constitutional monarchy, much as some don’t believe, has very little choice in personally selecting the MB. Yes, he has to approve the choice of the party commanding the majority of the ADUNs or, with sound reasons, disapprove it.

Sound reasons must not be personal or frivolous, and should be something very serious along the line that the majority party’s candidate for MB has a known vile criminal record or is known to be vocally and publicly anti-monarchy or is known publicly to be associated with an unsavoury incident, like bonking an underaged sweetie or suchlikes … wakakaka.

But after Dr Mahathir left, some supporters of royalty must have seen AAB as most unlike Dr M – weak, indecisive and even apathetic enough to bully. So, maybe those monarchists, as HRHs’ most loyal subjects, thought they might just claw back for their HRHs some of the royal prerogatives lost during the Mahathir days. Can you imagine them doing this when Mahathir was around?

We saw this ‘Ops Clawback’ happened in Perlis and Terengganu immediately after the March 2008 general/state elections.

The Perlis situation then was masked by the fact of an already unpopular Shahidan Kassim slated for the ‘outer’ even prior to the election. Because of UMNO HQ’s lack of enthusiastic support for Shahidan, the Perlis royal prerogative by default became the ruling for that day.

It thus might have lent an incorrect impression that royalty would win in any tussle with a PM, especially one still bleeding from and licking his election wounds.

We need to remember that AAB’s promise to Shahidan of the MB position was a last minute pre-election compromise worked out hastily to avoid intra party factional fighting prior to the election. When the election was over, I suppose AAB was hardly likely to put in much effort to rescue him from local UMNO manoeuvres. Hmmm, maybe there were even the wink, wink, nudge, nudge from UMNO HQ. I wouldn’t put this beyond the Machiavellian politics of UMNO, wakakaka.

But it was a different story altogether with the Terengganu MB saga.

In March 2008 when the Terengganu palace went for broke with the MB issue, opting for Kijal assemblyperson Ahmad Said against an UMNO selected Jusoh, the 23 BN ADUNs voiced their intentions to boycott the ceremony.

