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If one or both of the Bebas decide to vote in favour of a “no confidence” motion, UMNO’s goose is cooked in Terengganu.

OutSyed the Box

Well the Terengganu crisis is over. So says The Star’s headlines this morning. Shabery Cheek spent some time with Bukit Besi ADUN Roslee Daud, one of the recalcitrants and managed to convince him to return to the fold. That took the numbers to

UMNO     15

Pakatan   15

Bebas        2

Total         32

Hmm…is the problem really solved?

At the next sitting of the DUN, if the PAS guys push for a vote of “no confidence”, they already have 15 votes. If one or both of the Bebas decide to vote in favour of a “no confidence” motion, UMNO’s goose is cooked in Terengganu.

You know what this means right? Ahmad Said and the other recalcitrant Ghazali Taib are going to makan beriyani by the periuk full for quite some time. They can kill UMNO.

Inside information tells me that Sabery Cheek had to sing the UMNO song, spoke about the perjuangan and discussed the struggles of Abu Kaddab ibn Fulus before Roslee Daud caved in.  There was also tabligh style hugging and kissing.

The other version says that the discussion was strictly restricted to the popularity DYMM Tuanku Abdul Rahman, our country’s frst Yang Di Pertuan Agong. I tend to believe the Tuanku Abdul Rahman version.

What is more interesting is PAS Terengganu making a statement that PAS will not accept any of the ex UMNO Bebas guys as crossovers or katak. They said ‘UMNO macam rumah berhantu’ and they dont want to have anything to do with UMNO.


