A Short Note to Lim Kit Siang


Dear sir,

I voted for DAP in the last election on your party’s assurance that PAS is a trusted partner of Pakatan. Today this trusted partner appears to have betrayed you.

Make no mistake, PAS has tenaciously pursued their dream of an Islamic state although they had cleverly downplayed their desire before GE13. Today they have shown you their true colours. When it comes down to a choice between remaining in Pakatan and the implementation of Hudud in Kelantan, they will choose Hudud. And make no mistake about this also: UMNO will be happy to break up Pakatan by letting Kelantan have its way. If that came to pass DAP and PAS can’t possibly remain together in Pakatan.

Right now MCA and Zaid Ibrahim appear to be vigorously defending the constitution.

In comparison you have been silent. Please talk to PAS.

Otherwise we will throw in our lot with MCA/UMNO.

And BN will rule for another 50 years.

Yussof Condred

