DAP can cause another May 13, says Isma in its latest salvo

Abdul Rahman Mt Dali

Lee Shi-Ian, The Malaysian Insider

Controversial Muslim rights group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) today claimed that DAP was capable of causing another May 13 racial riot if the party was left unchecked.

Isma vice-president Abdul Rahman Mt Dali wrote on the NGO’s website that DAP’s struggle had caused a lot of hurt and pain to the feelings of Muslims.

“If DAP is left alone, it could cause splits and divisions similar to what happened on May 13, 1969,” Abdul Rahman said.

He said DAP was a party which practised socialist and secular ideologies, and demanded equal rights for all races.

“The party also disputes Bumiputera rights,” Abdul Rahman said, adding that socialist and secular ideologies were against Islamic principles.

“DAP has also brought the concept of a Malaysian Malaysia, which has been labelled as the ‘New Malaysia’,” Abdul Rahman said, adding this was against the Federal Constitution.

“The party has rejected Malaysia as an Islamic nation and the Muslims as the original race who should receive special rights.

“DAP does not acknowledge the social contract and pretends to forget about it although it was drawn up during the early days of Independence.

“Malays sacrificed a lot to accept foreign immigrants (pendatang) as citizens in a wholesale manner in the spirit of the social contract although their loyalty to Malaya had yet to be ascertained.”

Abdul Rahman said there were even some “pendatang” at that time who could not speak a word of Bahasa Malaysia.

“But ever since DAP managed to garner 90% of Chinese support in Malaysia, they have become arrogant and bold enough to pressure Putrajaya for the interests of the Chinese community.

“DAP has been trying to change Malaysia’s identity from an Islamic nation to a country which has a non-Islamic status,” Abdul Rahman said.

He said the party had even challenged the position of Malays and claimed that Malays were not the original inhabitants of Malaysia and as such, there was no need for special rights to be given to the Malays.

Abdul Rahman said all of these was in direct violation of the meaning and spirit of the Federal Constitution.

He said DAP leaders had been fighting for the word Allah to be used in Bahasa Malaysia Bibles and have been against the implementation of hudud.

In a nutshell, Abdul Rahman said, DAP’s actions and that of the Chinese community who support the party, were a threat to national unity and harmony.

Abdul Rahman said Malaysia was the inheritance of Malays for the past 60,000 years and the country had been an Islamic nation since the early 15th century.


