Wee: BN has never pushed for hudud

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(The Star) – Barisan Nasional has never pushed for hudud, unlike the Opposition, and DAP should take the blame for “selling out” non-Muslims, said MCA deputy president Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong.

“MCA and Umno have been working together in Barisan for more than 50 years and Umno has never talked about implementing hudud,” he said.

He said that Pakatan Rakyat and PAS, with the help of DAP, had openly announced that it wanted to implement hudud law.

“Should the nation become an Islamic state one day, DAP should be remembered as one of the great founders of a theocratic nation,” he said in a statement.

Dr Wee added that MCA was organising a nationwide campaign which included seminars and petitions, to defend the rights of all Malaysians as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution.

As for PAS’ decision to postpone the tabling of the Private Member’s Bill on hudud in Kelantan, Dr Wee said the move by PAS was a reflection of its political expediency in view of the upcoming Teluk Intan and Bukit Gelugor by-elections.

The DAP, other than criticising MCA, had done little to stop PAS, he said.

“We have not seen DAP organise talks nor talk to PAS, which makes its stand in objecting to hudud questionable,” he said.

Dr Wee said MCA had expressed its willingness to work with DAP in tackling the issue but the opposition party had instead labelled MCA as hypocrites.

This is not the way politicians should behave, he said, adding that “we are responsible for the future of our next generation”.

MCA vice-president Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said in a separate statement that PAS’ postponement of the Private Member’s Bil was merely “to prevent DAP from losing face to the non-Muslim voters”.

“The postponement also allows PAS to gauge the mood of their comrades in DAP and PKR to see how far they are willing to give in to PAS,” she said.

She believed PAS would resume pushing through their agenda in Parliament in September and DAP would continue turning a blind eye to it.
