DAP fields Dyana Sofya, BN announces Mah for Teluk Intan by-election


(Fz.com) – DAP today named Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, 27, the political secretary to Gelang Patah MP as its candidate for the Teluk Intan parliamentary by-election.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng made the announcement at the opening of the party’s main operations centre for the by-election here, reports Bernama.

Lim said that Dyana Sofya was selected for three reasons. It’s time to choose someone younger, to provide gender equality for women and to emphasise DAP’s multi-racial principle.

Dyana Sofya, a lawyer by profession, said she faced a tough challenge and expected the experience to help her mature politically.

“Malaysia needs a new form of politics and to drop the old race based politics. I choose to forge a path towards a better Malaysia,” she said.

The Ipoh-born law graduate from Universiti Teknologi Mara said, as a young candidate she was always prepared to support new political practices which go beyond the boundaries of race.

Dyana Sofya became a DAP member in December 2011 and was appointed as the political secretary to Gelang Patah member of parliament Lim Kit Siang last year.

She credited her mother Yammy Samat, 59, who is active in political and community activities, as her inspiration.

Meanwhile, Yammy, an Umno member since she was 18 years old, described her support for Dyana Sofya as a mother’s blessing to her daughter.


