DAP slammed for stressing on candidate’s race

Abdul Rahman Dahlan

Sean Augustin, The Rakyat Post

Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan has labelled DAP as hypocritical for stressing their candidate’s race for the Teluk Intan by-election.

With the DAP constantly criticising race-based parties, the Sabahan politician said the party had not forgotten to remind Malay voters in the constituency that Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud was Malay.

“Why do they need to mention her race? Why not just state she is a young candidate from DAP?

“Why is DAP exploiting Dyana’s race,?” the Kota Belud Member of Parliament asked in his Facebook status,  which received over 400 “likes”.

The Umno politician said he found it odd that DAP leaders would introduce Lim Kit Siang’s political secretary as a “young Malay candidate”.

Several of his Facebook followers supported the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister, who also labelled DAP as being hypocrites and calling them racist.

Earlier today, The Malay Mail Online quoted DAP by-election director Tony Pua as stating that fielding Dyana represented a moral victory for DAP in its fight against race-based politics.

This is not the first time the party, whose majority of members are Chinese, has tried to prove it is multiracial.

In its controversial party polls last year, Bukit Bendera Member of Parliament Zairil Khir Johari was elected into its central executive committee following a recount, although the party had decided to earlier appoint him to the post.

Some of its detractors used the failure of its eight Malay candidates to make it into CEC to attack the party’s multiracial credentials.

