517 IDAHOT in Malaysia


 In the past one year, what have Malaysia achieved in light of IDAHOT?

Jackson Yee CS

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) http://dayagainsthomophobia.org/ falls on every year 17th of May. The purpose of such a day is to raise awareness among the public to the violence and discrimination faced by every single lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) worldwide. In the past one year, what have Malaysia achieved in light of IDAHOT?

At the beginning of year 2013, Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Puad Zarkashi has described lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals and transgenders (LGBT) as an illness that can be treated following by at least 21 seminars allegedly held of which the purpose is to curb LGBT “behaviour”. Later, the Director of Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (Jasa), Datuk Fuad Hassan mentioned that stage theatre is one of the approaches to “curb” LGBT. Remember the Asmara Songsang stage theatre where the actor playing gay repents at the end of the plot.

Further, our Senator, Rohani Abdullah suggested that strict action should be taken against those male actors who dress like a female, and insensitively using the word “pondan”. In July 2013, it was reported that a transgender Thai national was assaulted by a group of youths armed with steel rods and hockey sticks in Kuantan, Pahang for reasons unknown. Does being a transgender warrant such violence?

To add salt, Datuk Dr Hasan Ali, the president of JATI alleged that COMANGO is fighting for LGBT rights thus, “we should raise war against them (COMANGO).” This is absurd. COMANGO stands for many other minority rights. However, LGBT rights is one of the easy targets for them. Even when the representative of COMANGO, Honey Tan invited Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) for discussion, the President, Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman rejected it saying that “COMANGO is not a registered organisation … and “All they need to do is to repent”. Not to forget the infamous ISMA acts like the GOD and presumes a person’s sins. I suggest a healthy talk and dialogue would be rather preferred than laying judgments like a judge. Do think about it, ISMA?

This year, Penang turns into a LGBT unfriendly state. Penang Pink Dot 2014 which was scheduled to be held on 29 March was cancelled due to safety concerns on the organizer and the participants. These resulted as pressures were put on the organizer by the God’s saviour and guardian, ISMA and Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). It is pertinent to note that the main intention of Penang Pink Dot is to help LGBTs with abuse and discrimination.

The next month, the proposal to set up a transgender rights committee under Penang state government by YB Teh Yee Cheu was withdrawn after being advised by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. CM appears to down to earth, understanding the daily issues of common citizens but was he not able to understand the importance of such rights committee? The promotional line of “fighting for ALL MALAYSIANS” is merely a rhetorical tagline to garner support?

Next Thursday, 22 May 2014, the transgender community in Malaysia will be facing one groundbreaking court case challenging a Sharia law of Negeri Sembilan which prohibits the transgender community from expressing their gender identity. The punishment, if so convicted, is the fine not exceeding RM1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both.

Now, think about IDAHOT. Are we transforming into a better LGBT friendly country? Based on the above, it seems like we have a long journey. It is also important to observe there are primarily, two (2) houses of thoughts, i.e. a conservative Islamic group who urges LGBT to repent or “change” and liberal LGBT allies or LGBTs who pursue recognition and acknowledgment of their fundamental rights and freedom. I suggest we should ponder upon, and reconsider our thoughts on the following:-

• whether there is any sin or harm or influence that LGBT have committed to justify and warrant the violence and threat against them?

• whether the government, i.e. state government and federal government or any governmental department acts in accordance to the principles enshrined under the Federal Constitution, i.e. equality and non discrimination principles?

• what could you do as an individual and as a corporate body?

• what do you tell your sons and daughters in lieu of the question below posted in Seminar Pengajian Am (Pen 2) – 2014?

Seminar Pengajian Am -2014
