Malaysia is at crossroads

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Wilfred M Bumburing

Religious extremists and hate groups are putting the country at a crossroads at which point every Malaysian is now taking a second look at what Malaysia has become.

At this point, the prime minister must be brave enough to take a decisive action stop the attack on Christians and on other races in Malaysia.

Recent events in the country had radically changed the image of the country in the international community and the actions of these extremists are fast tearing the multiracial fabric of the nation apart.

The damage caused is not that easy to mend and it will put the courage of the government, particularly the prime minister to test in taking the right decision and action to stop them.

The people are wondering and curious about the deafening silence on the part of the prime minister, whom they expect to lead the country.

All we can hear is some ministers calling for calm and patience.

This runs counter to the 1Malaysia slogan that he launched immediately after being sworn in as the prime minister and used during and after the last general election.

Today, few Malaysians take that slogan seriously because of what is happening.

Some even interpret the silence of the government as tacit support for those sowing discontent, following admission from the government that it had funded Perkasa.

I, therefore, join those who demand that action must be taken to apply the full force of the law of the land on those people.

Seputh MP Teresa Kok had been charged in court with sedition for her Chinese New Year video but no action had been taken against Datuk Ibrahim Ali who uttered the most seditious and dangerous words when he said he was prepared to launch “parang salib”.

He should have been arrested immediately.

The organisers of a forum in UiTM must be made to account for what they have done.

UiTM belongs to all Malaysia, be they Muslim or non-Muslims. Why did the university allow such a forum with open attack and ridicule and hate speech against Christians to take place?

For that we are thankful that Christians, true to the teaching of Christianity, did not react to the attack. If they are to engage Muslims in a religious debate surely they have a lot arguable issues to present.


