Masing rejects Teras, thwarts Adenan-Taib plan


The latest political move seems to have a similar feel to another incident in the 1980s manipulated by then CM Taib Mahmud.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Sarawak’s largest native BN-partner, Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) will not support any move to include Teras as a state coalition partner.

PRS president James Masing said there was no need for a new party within the state Barisan Nasional.

“We already have four parties under Barisan Nasional; namely Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) and Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP).

“That is enough,” said Masing.

Without directly alluding to a certain point in Sarawak’s political history under former Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, Masing said a new party will only “lead to fighting and disunity” within the community.

“Dayaks must stay united…If there are more parties, it could lead to disunity and fighting among us.

“We must stand together to defend our rights on religion and economic matters,” he said adding that there were “many outsiders” attempting to divide the community.

Masing was commenting on the latest political shifts in the state, seen as a bid to further capsulise the state’s majority Iban community.

Last Thursday, former SPDP president William Mawan and SUPP Sibu branch chairman Wong Soon Koh announced their resignation from their respective parties.

They said they were joining Teras (Parti Tenaga Rakyat Sarawak).

The move, stoked by Chief Minister Adenan Satem in a bid to solve the protracted issues within SPDP and SUPP before the state elections expected in 2016, was allegedly reminiscent of another incident in the 1980s involving Parti Bangsa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS), a precursor to PRS and later SPDP.

At the time the “puppeteer” was Taib. Rumours are that he is still the hand that is ‘rocking’ the state’s political cradle and splitting SPDP and SUPP would be ‘beneficial’ to BN in the wake of a rising opposition.

Taib, who stepped down as CM on Feb 28 and is now the state governor, however is still a lurking  shadow in Sarawak politics.

Together with Adenan, they are preparing Sarawak BN for a landslide victory in the next state elections. SPDP and SUPP are seen as collateral damage.

The outcome of 2011 state elections had shocked the state BN out of its slumber. Pakatan Rakyat swept 15 seats – DAP took 12 and PKR won three.

Post polls analysis showed an upward swing favouring the opposition in mixed and rural seats where incidentally DAP is making its presence felt through its Impian Sarawak projects. PKR is there too“somewhere”.


