Only a street party can make this mess


The PKR polls show why it is still not fit to govern a country.

Narinder Singh, Free Malaysia Today

The PKR polls are a total disaster. We now know why the party’s banner of freedom and liberty has been made so large. There’s a mountain of filth to hide behind it.

One could cite a myriad of instances to show how messy the conduct of the elections has been, but the suspension of so many party divisions is enough to convince us that PKR is not fit to even dream of governing the country.

And if there are still people who believe that a PKR-led government will take the country into an era of openness and transparency, the ruling that was used to suspend S Manikavasagam’s membership ought to give them pause.

Some apologists have said that the problems were unavoidable in direct elections involving so many thousands of voters. But Umno has much more members and its direct elections last year went smoothly enough. PKR does indeed need to learn from its arch enemy and stop throwing stones from the glass house it lives in.

For as long as anyone can remember, PKR has been claiming that Umnoism has never been part of its system although its initial membership was composed mostly of Umno rebels. Bollocks! The current, as well as previous, polls prove otherwise if other shenanigans through the years have not done so.

It is in fact curious that so many people have not seen through the party’s hypocrisy. Why, for instance, does the party tolerate being run by a family enterprise?

This enterprise has grown so confident of its invincibility against internal criticism that it went so far as to force the resignation of a democratically elected representative on the apparent whim that taking over the Kajang seat will put it on track for Putrajaya.


