You can never win, can you?


When Malays do not pray or fast, party all night long, drink, gamble, take bribes, give bribes, abuse their power, cheat in business, chase wealth, flaunt their wealth, do not pay their debts and loans, and so on, the Muslims are accused of being hypocrites who do not live up to the ideals of Islam and who give their race and religion a bad name.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When the Malays voted opposition in the 1999 general election while the Chinese voted government, which denied the opposition its chance of taking over the country, the Chinese were whacked and accused of not being pro-change and of being pro-corruption.

When the Chinese joined the Malays to vote opposition in the 2008 general election, which helped the opposition win five states and helped deny the ruling party its two-thirds majority in Parliament, the Chinese were accused of not being grateful to the government and of disloyalty to the country.

When the DAP fields only Chinese candidates in the general election or by-election, it is accused of being a racist party that only fights for the Chinese and just looks after Chinese interests and that Malays have no place in the party.

When the DAP fields Malay candidates in the general election or by-election, it is accused of using the Malays and of fielding Malay candidates merely as poster boys or poster girls and that the party is not really sincere about promoting the Malays.

When political parties field ‘tested’ and veteran candidates in the general election or by-election, it is accused of not allowing the younger generation a chance to lead the country and of allowing outdated and ‘expired shelf-life’ politicians to monopolise Malaysian politics.

When political parties field fresh and young candidates in the general election or by-election, it accused of exploiting youth and looks and of risking the future of the country by allowing inexperienced people to lead the country.

When a UiTM graduate applies for a job in a ‘Chinese’ firm, he or she is not good enough because UiTM is a low class university plus he or she cannot speak Mandarin.

When a UiTM graduate contests the elections on a ‘Chinese’ ticket, that is the greatest thing since the invention of the Internet even if he or she cannot speak Mandarin.

When the Prime Minister runs the country with an iron fist and controls all levels of government, he is accused of being a dictator and of not respecting democracy.

When the Prime Minister runs the country with a hands-off policy and allows the government machinery to run its course, he is accused of being a weak Prime Minister who has no control over the government machinery.

When an opposition leader is arrested, charged and convicted of a crime, the government is accused of interfering in the judiciary by telling the judiciary what it must do.

When an opposition leader is arrested, charged and acquitted of a crime, the judiciary is praised for being brave in exercising its independence by not allowing political interference.

When not many Chinese participated in the Bersih 1.0 rally in 2007, they were accused of not caring about free and fair elections and were blamed for what happens to the country.

When many Chinese joined the subsequent Bersih 2.0 and 3.0 rallies, they were accused of pushing Malaysia to the brink of a race riot and of attempting to trigger ‘May 13’ version 2.0.

When too much power is accumulated in the hands of the ruling party and when the ruling party won 92% of the seats in parliament in the 2004 general election, Malaysians called for a more ‘balanced’ scenario and for a two-party system where both parties ‘share’ power.

When Malaysia managed to see a two-party system emerge in the 2008 and 2013 general elections and Malaysians found that the opposition coalition has almost the same mentality as the ruling party, they asked for the creation of a ‘third force’ to help ‘balance power’ between the two coalitions that are proving to be the opposite sides of the same coin.

When a third force emerges that attempts to ‘balance’ both political coalitions so that whichever happens to take power will behave themselves and Malaysia would not in the end see a situation of ‘old wine in a new bottle’, the third force is accused of trying to deny power to the opposition.

When Malays do not pray or fast, party all night long, drink, gamble, take bribes, give bribes, abuse their power, cheat in business, chase wealth, flaunt their wealth, do not pay their debts and loans, and so on, the Muslims are accused of being hypocrites who do not live up to the ideals of Islam and who give their race and religion a bad name.

When Malays begin to become more religious and demand for Islamic laws to be implemented so that Muslims can be ‘tamed’ and kept in line and prevented from committing crimes and sins that violate the tenets of Islam, they are accused of being extremists who want to bring Malaysia back to the dark ages and who do not respect the Federal Constitution that says Malaysia is a secular country and not a theocracy.

When the Christians, Hindus and Buddhists comment on Islam and quote verses from the Qur’an they are just trying to teach the Malays and are trying to correct the Muslims’ wrong perception and interpretation of Islam. Hence Malays should not get angry.

When Malays comment on Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism, they are scolded and told they are not qualified and learned enough about the non-Islamic religions and should not comment about something they know nothing about. Hence Malays should not get angry.

When I whack the Malays and Muslims, I am accused of being a traitor to my race and accused of insulting Islam and am detained and sent for ‘religious rehabilitation’.

When I whack the Chinese and Indians, I am accused of being a racist and of being a Malay supremacist.

You can never win, can you?

