Nothing wrong in using schools to campaign, says Ahmad Maslan

(The Malaysian Insider) – It is not wrong for Barisan Nasional (BN) to campaign for by-elections in schools‎ because they are government assets, Umno information Chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan said last night.

Speaking at a ceramah for the Teluk Intan by-election, Ahmad said that although many had criticised the use of schools to campaign, the party only did this after it obtained permission from the Parent-Teacher Association.

“I am a BN deputy minister. So I do not see why I cannot hold a ceramah here‎. This is a government school,” he told a crowd of 500 locals at the Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Selabak in Teluk Intan.

Yesterday, Bernama reported Umno Teluk Intan chief Datuk Saiful Bahar Mohd Arshad saying that the use of Sekolah Kebangsaan Selabak for BN’s political campaigning was in line with the Election Commission (EC)’s rules.

He said they had raised the issue to the EC as they had no other place to conduct their ceramah.

“I have already sent a letter to the principal requesting permission to hold a ceramah at this school‎. We rented the area for RM500.

“We also obtained a police permit to hold the ceramah.” he said.

The Education Ministry usually bars politicians to visit or officiate events in schools as well as political activities.

Last month, organisers were forced to look to a new venue for a planned memorial for opposition stalwart and lawyer Karpal Singh after the ministry denied their application to hold the tribute at a Chinese vernacular school in Kuala Lumpur.

Acting DAP chairperson Tan Kok Wai said even after submitting a formal request ahead of time, holding the memorial at SJKC Chung Kwo was a no go as the ministry deemed it a “political event”.

Also at the ceramah, a Barisan Nasional (BN) state assemblyman‎ from Kelantan said Umno and BN excelled in interfaith issues as no Christians or Muslims had been injured over the recent “Allah” row.

Kok Lanas assemblyman Datuk Md Alwi Che Ahmad said that as long as no quarters were harmed or killed in any untoward incident, this proved Umno and BN’s excellent governance.

“I have never seen anyone receive a black eye…  were any Christians or Malay Muslims killed?” he said.

“Did anyone get their nose broken? Did anyone receive a black eye? It is all emotions. Emotions are different. Emotions are everywhere.”


