Sabah MCA joins the anti-Hudud campaign


(Daily Express) – Sabah MCA joined its national counterparts in the campaign against the implementation of Hudud law as proposed by PAS, saying such law would drive away foreign investors.

Its State Liaison Advisor Datuk Paul Kong Sing Chu said 130 Sabah MCA leaders assembled at Wisma Kinsabina, Penampang, to take part in the MCA Wanita campaign.

The aim is to obtain one million signatures from Malaysians to show support for the campaign. Kong explained that the founding fathers had unanimously agreed that Malaysia must be a secular state, not an islamic state because the implementation of Hudud would transform Malaysia into an Islamic state.

“This contravenes the Federal Constitution and is also against the Malaysia Agreement 1963 when the two Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak together with Singapore came together with Malaya to form the Federation of Malaysia,” he said.

He said that all the statements in the past by first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman and also by Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Dr Mathathir Mohamad have reinforced the secular nature of Malaysia as a nation.

He reiterated that MCA is not against Islam as it is enshrined in the Federal Constitution that it is the country’s official religion.

“But we are strongly against the implementation of Hudud as it will have far reaching consequences for Malaysia as a secular state,” he said.

The existence of two legal systems, the syariah and the civil laws, in a multi-racial country like Malaysia would bring untold social and legal problems that will plunge the country into disarray.

As one of the top 20 trading nations of the world, he said, Malaysia could ill afford to lose out on foreign investments which would be diverted to other more democratic countries.

Subsequently, Kong, who is also MCA committee member, said the situation would ruin and cause disaster to the nation’s economy.

In today’s global economy, the nation needs to think globally as well, he said.

Quoting human right activist and Muslim lawyer Azahar Harun who stated during the “Hudud – A Nation At Crossroad” forum organised by the MCA last Friday, “Éforeign investors will flee Malaysia the next day if Hudud is implemented and Bursa Malaysia will crash in an instant.


