Pak Lah appointed IAIS chariman

(The Star) – Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has been appointed chairman of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) here.

In a letter, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak affirmed the Government’s support for IAIS undertaking in-depth research in Islamic scholarship and its application to the modern world.

Abdullah had been the original patron of IAIS, which he inaugurated in October 2008 when he was Prime Minister.

IAIS, in a statement, said world-renowned scholar Prof Mohammad Hashim Kamali, who had been chairman and CEO since its inception, would continue to direct IAIS as its CEO.

IAIS congratulated Abdullah, saying it had immensely benefited from Abdullah’s patronage and his acceptance of the chairmanship would elevate the profile of IAIS and enhance its ability to achieve its mission of thought leadership in Islamic disciplines.

