Be careful when giving views on Hudud, says Mufti


(Bernama) — Muslims are advised to be careful when giving their views on hudud for fear that it could affect their religious faith.

Kelantan Mufti Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamad said a Muslim could not reject hudud or implementation of the law because hudud is God’s law.

“If a Muslim says he/she does not reject hudud, but is against implementation of the law, that is also not allowed. Instead, say that hudud will be implemented, but prior discussions will be held with all quarters until the law can be implemented with the consent of all quarters.

“In the context of our country, which is multi-racial, hudud is said not in tandem with the constitution, but it still has to be implemented when all parties agree to it,” he said when contacted by Bernama here Friday.

Mohamad Shukri said hudud is compulsory for Muslims, like performing the prayer, haj pilgrimage and fasting.

Yet, for some reasons, there are Muslims who ignored them, he added.
