Pakatan brushes off focus on Dyana’s looks as passing infatuation

Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud

Malay Mail Online – The initial preoccupation with DAP’s Teluk Intan candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud’s looks is just “temporary delirium” born of her novelty, said Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders.

Despite having played up the young DAP hopeful’s looks during the opposition’s first rally in Teluk Intan last weekend, several of the pact’s leaders now insist that Dyana Sofya’s other qualities will soon come to the fore.

“I believe many are facing a temporary delirious moment with her presence in the usual drab political scene.

“I hope that all of our supporters and party workers recover fast from the initial delirious stage because we are presented with an opportunity to showcase our respect and empowerment of women candidates,” Nurul Izzah Anwar told the Malay Mail Online in text message.

The Lembah Pantai MP, who is also known for her looks and who became an MP at just 28, stressed that Dyana Sofya is a professional candidate who stands for justice and equality.

At a rally ahead of the by-election on Sunday night, DAP’s attempt to position the 26-year-old as an attractive, young, professional female candidate seemed to have been lost on many whose vociferous support appeared skin deep.

The crowd of predominantly Malay men greeted her with hoots and wolf-whistles, with cries of “alahai comelnya” (oh my, how cute), “saya sokong” (I support), and “confirm undi” (my vote is confirmed) followed her as she took her seat under a tent among other PR leaders.

As if taking their cue from the crowd, PR leaders also made repeated reference to her appearances and commented on her attractiveness.

Among those who broached the subject of Dyana Sofya’s looks were PAS Mohamad Sabu and Datuk Husam Musa, along with PKR’s Azmin Ali and Dr Muhammad Nur Manuty.

When contacted Azmin, who initially brushed aside questions about his and his allies’ remarks, denied that they were focusing only on her appearances.

“Certainly they mentioned in passing but we are not harping on that.

“One cannot deny her appearances, and also, her experience as a political secretary to Lim Kit Siang has created this euphoria,” he said.

The Gombak MP added the attention was also not without benefit, saying that it drew attention to a new generation of leaders who “transcends race and religion” that Dyana Sofya represents.

“It is so refreshing to see a young woman empowered by Pakatan Rakyat to take on this challenge in politics.

“Everyone is giving so much attention to her… again this is good in creating new hopes for Teluk Intan,” he said, equating a vote for Dyana Sofya, as a vote to end racism and corruption.

Mohamad, or more popularly known as Mat Sabu, said in a brief text message that the focus on her beauty was only temporary and that this would shift over the next days to her ability to serve as an MP.

First-term Cabinet minister Nancy Shukri said while beauty is a bonus in politics, the party should focus on how Dyana Sofya could contribute to the people of Teluk Intan based on her knowledge and other tributes.

“As a young and dynamic candidate, it can undermine her ability of being a professional if campaigners focus on her pretty face instead,” the de facto law minister said.

Despite the attention on her features, Dyana Sofya told the Malay Mail Online in Teluk Intan that the PR leaders’ remarks did not bother her much as she felt like a “little sister” to them.

“I think when you see in their statements, their speeches, [the PR leaders] did write about my capabilities and what I believe in.

“By putting me in Teluk Intan obviously against a Gerakan president, already showing how capable I am, don’t you think?

“We don’t have to really focus on the looks,” she said.

As for whether she thought the attention on her now was only skin deep, she said that she was confident her supporters would be “smart enough” to know that she is not just another pretty face.

DAP’s choice of an inexperienced young Malay woman to run in an ethnic Chinese majority constituency has raised eyebrows across the country.

Despite the party championing Dyana Sofya’s credentials as a young and principled professional, the 26-year-old has been in the limelight mostly for her youthful good looks.

The former political aide to DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang will be going up against two-term former Teluk Intan member of parliament, Gerakan president Datuk Mah Siew Keong in the May 31 by-election.

