Bersih: M’sia going the way of Thailand


(Free Malaysia Today) – With the increasing number of political attacks and lack of measures taken by the government and police, Malaysia looks to be going the way of Thailand, Bersih 2.0 chairman Maria Chin Abdullah said today.

She said the public and investor’s confidence in the country’s stability was waning.

She added that said the violence committed by Umno members and lack of response from Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar, Malaysian democracy would be destroyed and soon the country would become like Thailand.

“Muhyiddin must bear the full responsibility for fuelling the fire if the political violence escalates.

“Khalid, on the other hand, must step down if another attack happens,” the Bersih steering committee said in a statement today.

The first attack took place at the Penang State Assembly where thugs representing Umno Youth violently barged into the hall, and threatened the safety of lawmakers on May 21.

The next day, another group of Umno Youth staged a violent demonstration at the DAP headquarters and threatened to burn down the building.

On the third day, a group claiming to represent Umno Youth and Malay NGOs attacked the DAP office in Kuantan, which damaged its front door.

“What have the police done so far except to adopt a ‘wait-and-see’ attitude in all three incidences?” asked Maria Chin.


