DAP’s dishy Dyana, an alluring wily eel

Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud

FMT LETTER: From Soraya Nur, via e-mail

My dear late father used to jokingly call a friend of his an eel. This particular friend of his was a Muslim Chinese and a very successful businessman. When he met likely Muslim business prospects he would rear his head and play his Muslim card. But when it came to meeting Chinese businessmen, it was his tail he showed to convince them he was one of them and 100 per cent Chinese.

This Muslim Chinese businessman used to tell my father to survive in this world  one had to be shrewd and do what it took, idealism and honesty do not translate into dollars and cents.

Is the dishy Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud any different from the Muslim Chinese businessman mentioned above. When it was beneficial to her, she was all Malay and took up a place in UiTM to read law, an institution which overtly promotes the Malay agenda and only admits Bumiputera students.

But now when it is politically expedient to her, she condemns UiTM policies. Dyana, if you were so convinced UITM’s policies are wrong, you should have rejected the place offered to you out right. It is still not too late you can return all the money spent on you and the degee conferred on you to UiTM.

Then, all Malaysians will believe you and support you. This single act will earn you all the votes you require. At the moment, it is just rhetoric to gain political mileage! Are you women enough, dear Dyana?

What about the telling photograph of Dyana with her mother Yammy  Samat and controversial Perkasa leader Ibrahim Ali, taken as recently as early this month, that is just a few days before her nomination as DAP candidate for Teluk Intan? Remember the famous quotation that says ‘’show me your friends and I’ll tell you what you are?

Yammy Samat was the leader of Wiranita Perkasa confirmed deputy president of the group, Abdul Rahman.


