The word ‘Sorry’ is foreign to DAP


FMT LETTER: From KS Lee, via e-mail

The recent fracas at the Penang state assembly was triggered by the ‘Umno is Celaka’ remark by Sri Delima (DAP) assemblyman RSN Rayer. The Umno Youths, 10  of them reacted rashly  and intruded into the state assembly sitting in search of Rayer causing a commotion.

Emotions are running high on both sides, DAP and Umno. But in such a situation, rational, mature thinking and calm minds would have won the day.  While the actions of the Umno youths cannot be condoned, under any circumstances. Neither can the actions of DAP assemblyman, RSN Rayer.

Rayer has misused his immunity as a state assemblyman and defiled the sanctity of the august assembly. Further, his adamant refusal to apologise only aggravates the situation.

The Penang state assembly Speaker could have averted the situation, if he had immediately censured Rayer and asked him to retract the derogatory term. He chose to do nothing, neither did the Chief Minister, resulting in the intrusion by Umno youths

Penang state opposition leader Jahara Hamid has rightly  apologised in the state assembly. As this is a Penang state affair Jahara Hamid speaks for the opposition. Minister Khairy Jamalludin has also apologised. But no apology on behalf of Rayer is forth coming from Lim Guan Eng.

Instead Lim is quick in demanding an apology from Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan for his comments about Diyana’s lipstick. Admittedly, the remarks by the Minister was in poor taste. But Rayer’s  ‘celaka’ remark was many times worse. And Lim has not called upon him to apologise! Or apologise himself.


