Chinese stupid if they still vote Barisan, says Anwar


(TMI) – After receiving such a bashing from the Barisan Nasional (BN) government, the Chinese in Malaysia would be stupid if they still voted for the ruling coalition, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said last night.

The opposition leader told some 3,000 people in Anson Industrial Park, Teluk Intan, that BN had no respect for the Chinese, and this was made evident in the way they treated the community.

“They (BN) dismiss the Indians. They label Chinese as trespassers. Yet still there are Chinese who vote BN. These Chinese have no shame.

“When the prime minister comes, (he says) what else do the Chinese want? A minister said Chinese are trespassers. Yet, (the Chinese still say) love live BN! How stupid these Chinese are,” Anwar said.

DAP’s Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud will face BN-Gerakan’s Datuk Mah Siew Keong this Saturday for the Teluk Intan parliamentary seat, after it fell vacant following the death of Seah Leong Peng on May 1.

Earlier yesterday, Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said only the Chinese would be happy if BN lost in the by-election, as they are already wealthy and ungrateful for it.

“I would feel sad if DAP won again in Teluk Intan. The Malays would be sad. The Indians would be even sadder.

“But the Chinese would be fine, because they have all sorts of businesses. But if it weren’t for the Malays or Indians who buy goods from them, they wouldn’t have any business.

“It is the Malays and the Indians who help Chinese businessmen. And when they vote, they choose DAP. They are ungrateful,” Zahid‎ told about 100 Malays in Durian Sebatang, Teluk Intan, yesterday.

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