Draw the line between legitimate criticism and defamation: Najib


(NST) – Datuk Seri Najib Razak said public figures had the right to protect their reputation from being tarnished as a result of political beliefs, drawing the line between legitimate criticism and defamation.

The prime minister said his recent decision to take action against an online news portal was based on his legal team’s opinion that the allegations published by the portal had overstepped the line, from criticism into slander.

“I want to be very clear. This does not indicate any wider agenda. It is not part of any crackdown, it is not an attempt to silence critical voices.

“The law is blind and any damages will have to fit the defamatory remarks. It is a matter of acting on specific accusations which cross the line from fair comment into slander,” he said in his speech at National Press Club Awards Night 2014 tonight.

He said in a democracy, there would always be people who disagreed with government policies or disapproved of the government.

“I welcome criticism which is informed and constructive. But, there is a difference between legitimate criticism and defamation.

“Defamation can be either primary – when someone makes a defamatory remark – or secondary, when that remark is reproduced. Both are treated equally by the law.”

Najib said he had given his firm commitment to preserving the Internet as a medium for free debate and open discussion, and gave his assurance that the legal notice issued against the news portal was not an attempt to crackdown on dissenting views online.

