Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud’s five messages


That is what I mean by civil liberties. But ‘civil liberties’ is not one of the five messages that Dyana Sofya wants to send to the government. And because of that I would not support her with my vote, not until civil liberties is the first message on that list of five messages that Dyana Sofya wants to send to the government.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Vote me and you send 5 messages to Barisan, says Dyana

(The Malaysian Insider) – Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud said last night a vote for her in this Saturday’s Teluk Intan by-election will send five messages to the long-ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.



Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud wants the voters in Teluk Intan to send the government five messages by giving DAP a win in the by-election in that constituency this Saturday. The first message is regarding the high cost of living. The second and third are regarding racism and political violence. The final two messages are regarding having more women and young people in government.

Those are good ‘messages’ and are the same messages we have been trying to send to the government over the last 20 years or so since the 1990s. The only problem is 20 years ago no one listened and the priority of the voters then was very different from what they are today.

Those are definitely good issues and are issues that I not only can support but have, in fact, been personally propagating at the time when those of Dyana Sofya’s generation were still in school. We need the government to understand that this is what Malaysian’s look forward to and unless the government makes an attempt to address these then we might be seeing a new government four years or so from now.

Let us discuss the fourth and fifth message first because those are the easiest to talk about. I had proposed some years back that Malaysia passes a law that makes it mandatory that at least 30% of the candidates in the election must be females (after all, 51-53% of the voters are women). That was something we talked about years back but no political party seems to want to take up this issue.

And why is that? Why do they not want to take up this issue? If we really want more women in government then pass a law that makes it mandatory that at least 30% (or more than 30% if you so wish) of the candidates in the election must be females. But none of the political parties want to do that so how are we going to get more women into government?

As for getting more of the younger generation into government, that is very simple as well and we have also previously suggested how to do that. Pass a law that restricts Members of Parliament and State Assemblypersons to just two (or three) terms. Why are people who were Wakil Rakyat back in 1969, 1974, 1978 or 1982 still in power? Get rid of them. After two terms you retire and make way for new blood. And the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Menteris Besar, Chief Ministers, etc., should also only serve two terms.

In most countries all over the world, those below 35 years old represent 75% of the population. Three out of four people are below 35 and most of these people are Internet-savvy and obtain information and news from the Internet. And the same applies to Malaysia. We have 30 million Malaysians and less than 800 Wakil Rakyat. You mean we do not have enough people and we need Malaysians 60 and above to still be in government?

So why are those born in the 1940s and 1950s still in power as Wakil Rakyat and whatnot? And you know what? There are still many readers who ask me why I do not contest the election since I ‘talk too much’. “Come back to Malaysia and contest the elections,” they scream.

Bloody idiots. I am fucking 63, going on 64 this September, and I have five children (some older than Dyana Sofya) plus five grandchildren, which I hope will number at least ten or more before I die. Why the hell would I want to become a Wakil Rakyat at my age? Anyway, no party wants me as a member (PAS and DAP both rejected me while I will not join PKR even if my life depended on it) plus, which is even more crucial, a bankrupt cannot contest the election.

Why are Malaysians such idiots? You mean you did not know this? Bodoh bangang!

So, let’s not just talk. Pass these laws. Make it mandatory that 30% of the candidates must be women and make it mandatory that after two terms you get the hell out of public office and retire. Then all those in government will be below 40 and no longer would we have old cocks in government, and who die in office triggering by-elections every few months, like now.

Simple, is it not? And if it so simple why don’t you do it like we asked you to over the last 20 years? Or is this just talk?

Okay, the next two messages are regarding racism and political violence. This is actually very simple to solve. Just stop insulting each other. Both sides are guilty of this. The Chinese scream about Umno, Perkasa, Isma, and so on, but the comments the Chinese post, even here in Malaysia Today, makes even me pissed.

If the Chinese and Indians hate racism and political violence then they, too, should guard their mouth. Perkasa, Isma, and all those other Malay right wing groups may have foul mouths. But the mouths of the Chinese and Indians are no better. They smell just as bad as the mouths of the Malay supremacists. If you ask me I think the Chinese and Indians deserve what they get because they are just the reverse side of the same coin.

On the main issue, the cost of living, I really have no comment because all over the world billions of humans are facing exactly the same thing as Malaysians are suffering.

Did you follow the EU elections yesterday? Almost 200 million Europeans voted for a better economy. That was the main concern for the Europeans as well, a better economy because most people find they cannot make ends meet, just like those in Malaysia.

The question here is: would changing the government change this? Is this because of the Malaysian government or because of the global economic system? I think the economic system is going to the dogs. We are printing money like there is no tomorrow. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The gap between the rich and poor is widening like crazy.

That is what is wrong, the bloody western capitalist system. And not only is Malaysia suffering. In fact, Malaysia is still better off than many other countries — even the so-called advanced or developed countries.

The problem is not Umno. The problem is paper. We are printing so much paper that has no value and that is why our paper cannot buy what we need. And Pakatan Rakyat cannot do a damn thing about this even if they came to power unless we are prepared to change our economic system to gold-backed and we buy and sell in gold and not in paper.

Okay, those are the five messages Dyana Sofya wants the Teluk Intan voters to send to the government. But what about the other also important messages? What about civil liberties? There is nothing in those five messages regarding civil liberties.

I take it you know what civil liberties mean, right? Civil liberties is regarding issues such as that pregnant woman in Sudan who has been sentenced to death for ‘leaving Islam’ and for marrying a Christian even thought there is no evidence she was ever a Muslim.

That is what I mean by civil liberties. But ‘civil liberties’ is not one of the five messages that Dyana Sofya wants to send to the government. And because of that I would not support her with my vote, not until civil liberties is the first message on that list of five messages that Dyana Sofya wants to send to the government.

But then, as you know, that is just who I am. I believe in civil liberties. I do not believe in democracy, which is the tyranny of the majority over the minority, or capitalism, which is the domination of the rich over the poor. And because of democracy and capitalism, Malaysians are suffering. And because of democracy and capitalism, even Pakatan Rakyat cannot change Malaysia for the better.

