Hadi: Only DAP defended PAS when Kelantan govt fell in 1978


(The Star) – PAS is working together with DAP as a token of gratitude for standing by their side when the Kelantan government fell in 1978.

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said it was DAP who defended PAS when the Kelantan government fell to Barisan Nasional then, causing chaos within the state.

He said Barisan, that was working with PAS then, did nothing to help them.

“Only DAP defended us that time and we are grateful to them.

“We have the responsibility to help them back,” he said in his speech during a high tea session with DAP’s Teluk Intan parliamentary by-election candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud at Taman Cicely here yesterday.

“Even with our differences over alcohol, pork, hudud and halal matters, we have something in common, which is to stand up against corruption, injustice and to fight for fairness for all,” he said.

Abdul Hadi also said that the Barisan coali­tion had ruled for over 50 years, but yet there were still a lot of poor people in the country.

He also called on the people to vote wisely and to look at the candidate’s capabilities rather than their race.

“If we are smart, we don’t talk about race.

“We talk about how the candidate can re­­present the voice of the people at Parliament when they become an MP,” he said.

Abdul Hadi also praised Dyana Sofya for her bravery to stand and speak up against her detractors.

“She is brave, she will support the right and oppose the wrong.

“She has courage to stand under DAP, not even I dared to do so,” he quipped.

Abdul Hadi also urged the people not to be baited by “candies” offered by Barisan to fish for votes.

“Be a smart fish that eats the bait but not get hooked.”
