Nurul Izzah Anwar in trouble from Rafizi Ramli’s flawed conjectures

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(My News Hub) – Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar and PKR secretary general Saifuddin Nasution (defendants) are both in a tight spot over defamatory remarks cast that were based on falsehoods from flawed conjectures of confidential banking documents.

National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp) and its chairman Datuk Dr Mohammad Salleh Ismail (plaintiffs) have taken the two to court for their wrongful actions and allegations.

Mediation talks between the parties were held today and will continue on 9 June 2014. If settlement is not reached, the matter would proceed for case management on 17 June 2014 and thereafter, to a full trial before Justice Datuk Hue Siew Kheng, said NFCorp lawyer Wan Shahrizal Wan Ladin.

According to documents tendered in court, Nurul Izzah Anwar had criticized and slandered the plaintiffs based on flawed conjectures provided by her PKR strategy director and MP for Pandan Mohd Rafizi Ramli. Rafizi had alleged eight loans were taken by the plaintiffs for office property at KL Eco City that would put at risk a government loan deposit placed at the same bank.

Rafizi Ramli in a separate matter, is to answer in the High Court at Kuala Lumpur for the number of wrongful allegations made against National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd and its chairman when he lied, distorted and misrepresented confidential banking information of 21 accounts of the plaintiffs at a news conference given by him to the utter detriment of the plaintiffs and their businesses.

“Nurul who was also present at the same news conference of 7 March 2012, and who echoed in support of the slander relying on Rafizi’s conjectures without proper verification of the information, will now face the same fate,” said Wan Shahrizal.

“Her statement puts her and Saifuddin Nasution in dire consequence as the information she had counted on, were fabrications and were no where near any truth,” he added.

“Nurul’s statements would be taken to mean that Datuk Dr Mohamad Salleh had allegedly misused the company’s funds to buy the eight units of KL Eco City office property lots, that he was allegedly untrustworthy, a criminal, greedy and had used his wife’s position to gain wealth.”

The plaintiffs’ statement of claim also said that Nurul’s remarks indicated that Datuk Dr Mohamad Salleh had allegedly used government funds and public funds to gain personal wealth and to live an affluent lifestyle, or had conspired with NFCorp to cheat or abuse public funds.

NFCorp’s lawyers said the case against the PKR vice-president and the opposition party’s secretary-general, Datuk Saifuddin Nasution, was filed on 24 December 2013.

The plaintiffs are seeking for general damages, exemplary damages, aggravated damages, interest, costs and other appropriate reliefs from the court.

