Respect, acceptance, is a two-way street


Non-Muslims are no better than Perkasa and Isma judging by the responses to the pig DNA found in a popular chocolate brand

G Vinod, Free Malaysia Today

Respect and acceptance is a two-way street. If you want to get it, you’ve got to give it. Non-Muslims have been disparaged by the likes of Perkasa and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma).

Their views do not reflect nor represent the thinking of the Muslim majority but that does not give non-Muslims the right to take license and react in a repulsive and uncultured manner.

From their responses on social networking site, Facebook, to reports of pig DNA detected in two Cadbury chocolate samples, some of the non-Muslims are no better than Perkasa and Isma.

“First they propose to cut off my hands for stealing just a little bit. Now I can’t even have some Cadbury chocolates. Is there any things else I can’t do to lay my grubby hands on those virgin brides in heaven? Darn it!,” said Danny Wan.

“Udara yang kita nafas? Halal atau tak? Ada cop halal?” said Titan Khiang.

“Some chocolates contain animal fats. It’s normal. Get on with life. I feel sorry for those who only eat halal,” said Balraj Singh.

These were among the comments posted by insensitive Malaysians, which are nothing short of offensive to Muslims. In addition, it also reflects one’s low mentality.


