The gamble with Dyana may backfire

Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud

Narinder Singh, Free Malaysia Today

The Bukit Gelugor by-election this Sunday is a forgone conclusion. There was no necessity for any other party or independent to stand against DAP’s Ramkarpal Singh Deo. His late father’s reputation alone is more than sufficient to annihilate any competitor for the parliamentary seat. Period! It would have also saved tax payers their hard earned money.

But the Teluk Intan by-election on May 31, will be a different ball game altogether. Though it had been a DAP seat in the past two general elections, the outcome this time around may not be in its favour.

In trying to portray and justify itself as as a champion of all races, DAP believes that having a young Malay girl on its side will be enough to hoodwink the Malay voters.

DAP has and will always be a Chinese centric party. The non-Chinese holding key positions in the party are few.

Basically it is a family run political party with little room, especially for the Malay members. It is a pity that it is still in a state of slumber after all these years.

The Chinese in Teluk Intan are expected to vote for DAP as they are besotted with the ‘Rocket’ regardless of who stands in the by-election. It will be interesting to see if the Malay voters will be taken in by the DAP fielding greenhorn Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, 27.

Will the Malays be gullible and vote for her, rather than the party, just because she is a Malay?

The Malays must awaken to reality that DAP can never defend their rights in this country. All the DAP wants is an immediate umbrella of meritocracy implemented in all areas.

The Chinese are already in control of all major industries in Malaysia, from finance, manufacturing right up to retail. The economy is in their palms. Imagine the floodgates opening to them.

Other races will be brought to their knees as they will by default ‘fail’ to meet the financial strength of the Chinese.

The Malay voters in Teluk Intan must send a clear message to DAP that putting up a wall paper like Dyana will not be able to mask its cunning, hidden agenda.


