Beware of Princess Dyana


In this satirical piece, the writer nails home some home truths in a humourous way

Iskandar Dzulkarnain, Free Malaysia Today

The antics of Umno Youth who seemed to act like organised thugs in the storming of the Penang State Assembly should not be blamed on Umno and BN for no apparent reason.

Neither should they be blamed for the manifestation of unmitigated gangsterism, racism, hooliganism, foul language, threats, destruction of property, the baying for blood, sexism, fake photographs, rowdiness and mob violence by motorbike gangs plaguing the current Teluk Intan by-election campaign.

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has issued a statement that BN does not condone violence or sabotage. Umno is very neutral since it not contesting any seats and therefore have no reason whatsoever to cause any ruckus. More likely the outbreak of violence should be attributed to Independents or sympathetic BN supporters.

Unlike DAP who wants to conquer every seat, Umno is more ‘inclusive’ to allow other coalition parties and even Independents a fighting chance to contest.

Is it a wonder why more and more NGO’s, Independents and other mosquito parties are starting to support BN?

Hitting below the belt

Umno is simply annoyed that DAP is fielding a ‘SYT’ (sweet young thing) to battle against a political giant like Mah Siew Keong.

That is totally unfair as Mah is more than twice her age and twice her political experience.

Remember, Gerakan is considered a ‘Godzilla’ in Malaysian politics compared to DAP which used to be a mosquito party many years back.Mah is the president of the prestigious Gerakan party and has also the experience of losing twice, so voters should give him a third chance to win back a seat.

The Home Minister has pointed out that Dyana’s beauty is only skin deep, and she only looks beautiful in the media and not in real life.

Meanwhile, the Sports and Youth Minister insists that she lacks political experience which Teluk Intan voters should reconsider.

In today’s dog eat dog world, experience is everything and Mah is everything that Dyana is not.

Used as a political tool

Umno leaders seriously believe that she is a traitor to the core who sold her race out. How can she even be seen gallivanting with the enemy DAP, let alone become one of their future leaders?

Where are the true blue blooded Malays going to hide their faces?

As an UITM graduate who benefited from the NEP, she should return the favour to Umno by not contesting, and be used as a tool by DAP to confuse Teluk Intan voters from voting for a great Chinese leader like Mah.

If she really wants to be in politics, she could easily have joined Puteri Umno or Perkasa like her mom, and become a divisional leader instead, and God willing, she may one day lead Wanita Umno by the time she touches 60 years old.

After all, there are no shortcuts when it comes to climbing up the political ladder as even cows have to wait their turn.

But no, she wants to skyrocket herself up the political ladder on the DAP rocket vehicle, throwing caution to the wind and not paying due heed to her race, religion and royalty and her rightful place in the kitchen.

Many Umno leaders are sad, dejected and genuinely disappointed that poor Dyana has been deceived by her political masters to divide the racial unity of Teluk Intan.

They also know that one day DAP is going to dump her like a hot potato, once they have no more use for her.


