Buku bertemu ruas: Why Dapster lies will be met with Malay fist


Helen Ang

When the Chinese are willing to out and out support a slippery eel, then the national problem runs very deep. It goes beyond simply the shady character of the DAP Teluk Intan candidate.

The DAP touted Dyana as a “lawyer”. After checks reveal that she is not registered with the Bar, the DAP had to backpedal and concede that she is a “non-practicing lawyer”.

To recap, Dyana Sofya said her mother left Perkasa because Yammy

(a) “could not commit to the organisation after moving away from Perak” (first excuse given)

(b) “no longer believed in Perkasa” (excuse changed a few days later)

(c) However the mother announced yesterday in a press conference, seated beside Kit Siang, that she WILL leave Perkasa, meaning she had not yet left the movement but was planning to do so only now

Lim Kit Siang says: “Her mother is not the candidate. I don’t know why are we on a wild goose chase.”

Two things:

(1) The issue is about Dyana not being upfront with the truth and her story that slithers here and there

(2) DAP double standards

As young blogger Aiman Amani has so ably pointed out, Rosmah Mansor is not a politician either but Kit Siang himself has targetted the PM’s wife so many times.

Evangelista Bintang Lima


In this matter of sneakiness and shiftiness, I fault her Chinese handlers and DAP supporters more than I do Dyana Sofya. They are legion compared to Dyana who is one individual.

We can see from the menegakkan benang basah responses defending her lies that to the DAP urbanites, winning is everything. They have little concern for the Teluk Intan rural inhabitants whose interests are better served by the BN candidate.

Thus they condone Dyana’s lies.

They equivocate and make up all sorts of excuses to justify the telling of lies as a principle of realpolitik.

The pro-opposition media is complicit in all of this; their reporting is skewed to favour Dyana whereas story angles favourable to the BN are downplayed or buried.

Oh and by the way, Malaysiakini deliberately selected these pictures (below) of Dyana’s Gerakan opponents to publish in juxtaposition to the photogenic beauty contest aspirant [SI].


