Outraged netizens take to FB to call for stern action

Palace of Justice

(The Star) – Irate netizens have called for severe punishment to be meted out to the men, believed to number up to 30, who allegedly gang-raped a 15-year-old schoolgirl.

“The law is too lenient on rapists!” said Christine Christine, one of the many Facebook users who posted their comments on The Star Online’s page.

“Drug addicts should receive more severe punishment rather than just rehabilitation. After rehab, many continue to become addicts. If the punishment is severe enough, it can possibly help deter others from becoming addicts,” said Redza Udeng Fahlawi.

Among the supporters of the death penalty for the perpetrators were Vikneshwary Thevar, Mitchellyna Endu and Andren Kulen.

“Animals have better common sense than these men. These guys should be hanged,” said Kulen.

“Our government should seriously consider maximising the law for rape cases to include the death penalty,” said Ah Dong.

“Rapists should get 50 strokes of the rotan and be sentenced to death. Malaysian law should act this way!” said Jr Elf.

In the midst of the call for sterner punishment, some users have brought up PAS’ hudud laws.

“So is hudud going to be able to prevent this from happening in the future?” asked Jolene Hui-Mien.

As a precautionary step, Vincent Wong recommended installing tracking applications on mobile phones.

“We should always have some safety measure. I had my girlfriend download (smartphone app) Watch Over Me so she could move about in the city safer.

“I can always receive an SMS with her location info when she fails to confirm her safety,” he shared.

In Malaysia, rape offences are punishable by whipping and imprisonment.

