If a pig drank from a river…


Once upon a midnight dreary, a cute pinky-pie pig was taking a walk along a beautiful river that flowed through a beautiful tropical rain forest.

Zan Azlee, TMI

It was a nice night. Crickets were creaking, frogs were croaking, stars were shining, leaves were ruffling and the moonlight was casting beautiful pale blue shadows everywhere.

The cute pinky pie pig had recently eaten dinner. It was an over-ripe papaya that had fallen to the ground. It was just sweet and juicy enough for his liking.

With his plump and round belly now full, he had decided to take a stroll just to enjoy the night and also burn off a little bit of the calories he had consumed.

Every now and then, he would push his snout towards the ground as he took whiffs of the pleasant scents of the forest’s wildflowers that were growing all along the river bank.

The cute pinky pie pig had been walking without a care in the world for about 45 minutes when he started feeling a little bit tired. He plonked his round behind down by a tree stump and took a short rest. Soon, the gurgling of the river was too tempting and he lowered his mouth for a satisfying drink.

About 20 kilometres away, the river eventually turned in to a huge delta. That delta was the opening to a beautiful beach with fine white sand that felt like powder to the feet.

Now, that beach is actually a large ocean of which body of water washed to the shore of several continents, some very populated and some just so remote.

On the remotest of continents, there was a small village that had a group of isolated people who were officially practicing Muslims but had no contact with the rest of the Muslim world.

This village was deep in the heart of the mainland and was not near any seaside or beach. But, also being a tropical island, rainfall was quite high. As we all know, rain happens when water on the surface of the earth (could be a lake, river, stream or ocean) evaporates into the air and condenses before falling down as rain.

So, one fine weekend, the villagers were having a big wedding party, when it started to drizzle. Very quickly, that drizzle turned into a huge thunderstorm. Everyone ran as fast as they could for cover into their homes and under any shelter they could find. But they got wet anyway.

The next day, the father of the bride from the wedding felt a little icky. He couldn’t explain the feeling. He didn’t feel sick and physically, he was fine. He just felt really icky.

He told his wife who then told the rest of the family. The whole family started feeling icky. Then news spread and the whole village started feeling icky.

Read more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/opinion/zan-azlee/article/if-a-pig-drank-from-a-river
