Leave the politics and work for us, PM and Home Minister


Leave the politics, Prime Minister and Home Minister, leave the politics. Get the police back on their feet – they are capable of much more and they can do much more. And they will do much more if only you take on the reins of leadership and stop toying with your BN gadgets.

Zakiah Koya, Fz.com

WHEN the elections are over, the government is appointed. When the government is appointed, the prime minister and his cabinet are for the people – every one of us – every woman and man, every child.

Yet, the silence from the government is deafening over the case of the young teenage girl who was raped mercilessly 30 times by about 15 people (according to police) as her “friend” kept count in a kampung in Kelantan, right in the midst of a community.

The silence is deafening as a two-year-old girl is kidnapped from a shopping centre (yet once again) and beheaded at Sungai Klang yesterday.

The silence is deafening, the whole country and the government is not saying a word. Not a statement from the Home Minister with his policemen who have failed to keep our children safe. He is busy making sure the troops are deployed in Teluk Intan.

Not a word from the government – they are too busy witch-hunting those who have nothing better to do than be busy condemning political parties in the social media.

They are too busy over words normally used when rival political party members meet.

They are too busy – while the children, the teens and the parents tread the streets with fear in their hearts. It is school holidays and a time when we are supposed to be enjoying ourselves having late mornings and children running free.

Yet our children cannot help but be hounded by questions of “Am I going to be raped and no one will hear me scream?” A mother is constantly asking herself, “Is my child going to go missing and I will find her lying headless on the roadside?”

Will the policemen care? Will the community care? Will the government care? Will anyone care?

There were snatch thefts a couple of weeks ago and the whole country went up in arms about the cases. The latest was the poor old nun who died after being hit on the head and yet, did they catch the thief? No, they can’t see the number plate, the police said. Sounds like what happened to eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin who was kidnapped and found dead in a sports bag days later. The police said they could not see the CCTV recording clearly, despite having gone to London for better viewing.

I pass by Nurin’s little grave every day at least twice and I wish and pray there will never be another case like Nurin’s in our midst. Yet, again and again, it happens. The police can blame parents’ lack of attention on their children, yet, I say that it is our right that the police make this country a safer place for us.

The police in this country have everything – the latest technology and the full support of the government and the people. Even the opposition, despite them complaining about the force, still trusts the police to investigate crimes.

The problem is the police force is not doing enough – no matter how much you protest dear IGP, it is considered not enough when our streets are not safe for our children.


