The Teluk Intan Lesson


So folks, in brief the country is screwed. Between the clueless gomen and the freaking opposition we are royally screwed. 
There is an alternative. There is always hope. We need some guts, some support and not much money. We need a few good men.

OutSyed The Box

The DAP has lost Teluk Intan by a razor thin 263 votes. I am surprised as well. I was expecting the DAP to carry Teluk Intan by another 7000 votes. Considering that the previous win by the DAP had a majority in excess of 7000 votes it shows a huge swing by the Chinese voters in Teluk Intan against the DAP towards the Gerakan’s Chinese candidate.

A DAP friend of mine smsd me a couple of weeks back that the DAP has lost the support of the Chinese over the hudud issue. He was saying the DAP would lose in Teluk Intan. The Chinese are just scared of PAS’ hudud crap. We all should be as well. DAP’s dallying with PAS’ hudud is perceived as dallying with madness.

And with UMNO politicians, pro UMNO groups and NGOs now supporting PAS’ hudud, any Malay candidate is seen by the Chinese as a potential pro hudud candidate. In the present pro hudud climate the Chinese are not going to vote any more Malay candidates – either in BN or the Pakatan.

The Chinese will vote for any Chinese (or Indian) candidate no matter in BN or Pakatan.  If the DAP had fielded a Chinese candidate in Teluk Intan they would most likely have won and won big.

Lim Kit Siang’s attempt to show a multi racial side to the DAP could have succeeded if there was no hudud overhanging the country. But the Chinese voters do not want to experiment. They know exactly what is good for them.

The DAP should just forget about fielding Malay candidates. Chinese works best. This is the reality now with Chinese voters. This is a free country.

Is UMNO’s pro hudud and pro PAS stance just a clever ruse to frighten the Chinese? If it is it has paid off well. There are now two new “boogeymen” in UMNO’s kit to frighten the Chinese – UMNO PAS (aka Malay) unity and



PAS too has played the hudud boogeyman well. When they are out of things to say, which is very frequent, they fallback on the hudud. In between their jousts under the bedsheets, their ostats manage to come up for air and shout ‘hudud’ at the same time. This seems to placate the kampong folks, who now also live in the cities, who remain their support base.
