Why the non-Malays deserve what they receive


Never mind whether you are Malay or whatever. All Malaysians have this same attitude. So when Malays feel they should enjoy certain privileges while others should not have that same privilege and Islam should be allowed certain liberties that other religions should be denied, how can you scream about injustice and unfairness when everyone has exactly that same attitude?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Blogger Umno tangguh bayar RM850,000 kepada Anwar

(Keadilan Daily, 5 June 2014) – Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini menetapkan 20 Jun untuk keputusan permohonan pengendali bloger Umno, Papa Gomo menangguhkan pembayaran ganti rugi berjumlah RM850,000 kepada Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Bernama melaporkan, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Rosilah Yop menetapkan tarikh itu di dalam kamar setelah mendengar hujahan daripada peguam Shahid Adli yang mewakili Anwar dan Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris (Papa Gomo), yang mewakili diri sendiri.

Pada 28 Feb, Rosilah memerintahkan Wan Muhammad Azri membayar ganti rugi sebanyak RM800,000 dan kos RM50,000 kepada Anwar berhubung penyiaran perkataan fitnah dan meletak imej mengaitkan Anwar dalam video seks di blog Papa Gomo.

Rosilah dalam penghakimannya berkata daripada keterangan yang dikemukakan, beliau mendapati Wan Muhammad Azri ialah blogger Papa Gomo dan telah menerbitkan kenyataan memfitnah dalam blognya.

Anwar memfailkan saman terhadap Wan Muhamamad Azri pada 21 Mac tahun lepas dengan menuntut ganti rugi berjumlah RM100 juta kerana mendakwa Wan Muhammad Azri menyiarkan empat siri perkataan fitnah di laman blog berkenaan pada 16, 17, 19 dan 20 Mac 2013.


It seems Anwar Ibrahim has won his defamation case against a Blogger called ‘Papa Gomo’ and has been awarded damages of RM850,000. This is one more in a series of cases that Anwar has won, both civil as well as criminal.

On 18th August 2005, High Court Judge Mohd Hishamudin Mohd Yunus awarded Anwar RM4.5 million in damages in his case against Khalid Jafri, the author of the book ‘50 Dalil’ (‘50 reasons why Anwar cannot be Prime Minister’).

So, yes, somehow Anwar has been winning many cases against those who ‘slander’ him, especially when those people Anwar sues are Umno members or supporters. How, therefore, this makes the Malaysian courts unfair or unjust and under the control of Umno, as alleged, cannot be reconciled with the many wins Anwar has under his belt.

It looks like Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has followed Anwar’s example and is now suing Malaysiakini. Najib, however, is being fiercely criticised for this and has been accused of not respecting freedom of the media, free speech, and whatnot.

Najib should reply and not sue, his critics say. If what they say about him is not true then rebut that allegation, these people say. Najib has every right to reply to any allegation made against him and he should not seek justice in court, appears to be the impression of most people.

I do not really care whether Anwar and Najib choose to reply or to sue. I, too, have been sued many times and have lost all the cases (mainly because I refuse to respond to the suits and just dump the documents into the dustbin). So the choice is theirs in how they want to reply to their critics or address what they view as slander.

What concerns me is the attitude of Malaysians who feel it is right and just for Anwar to sue (and win all those cases) while Najib should be vilified for doing the same thing.

Unless Malaysians can offer the same rights to their enemies as they do to their friends then what hope is there for the country?

Never mind whether you are Malay or whatever. All Malaysians have this same attitude. So when Malays feel they should enjoy certain privileges while others should not have that same privilege and Islam should be allowed certain liberties that other religions should be denied, how can you scream about injustice and unfairness when everyone has exactly that same attitude?

Basically, Malaysians believe they can do to others while others cannot do the same to them. Hence how the non-Malays or non-Muslims are treated is no different from the way they treat others. What goes around comes around. I suppose, as the Malays would say: padan muka!

