‘DAP shouldn’t criticise ex-member Hiew for joining MCA’

Hiew King Cheu

(The Rakyat Post) – MCA today said it welcomed Hiew King Cheu’s aplication to join its Luyang division.

In a statement today, party National Organising secretary Datuk Yoo Wei How said the party’s organising department would process Hiew’s application in accordance with procedures. The Presidential Council will evaluate the application.

Commenting on reports that Hiew’s decision to do so had attracted criticism from DAP, Yoo said:

“It is unfortunate that the decision by Hiew has been subject to criticism from DAP leaders and supporters who, suffering from selective amnesia, have opted to conveniently forget that Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had launched a 916 move in 2008 to persuade Barisan Nasional federal lawmakers to switch allegiance by Sept 16, 2008.

“Apart from Karpal Singh, all other DAP leaders totally agreed with Anwar’s move to get BN members to quit the ruling coalition.”

He added: “DAP leaders and supporters who have been attacking Hiew’s decision should review practices within Pakatan e.g. Anwar’s failure to quit politics despite promising to do so before the 13th General Election should Pakatan fail to capture Putrajaya.

“Do not practise selective amnesia and double standards or self-contradictions.”

In particular, Yoo said DAP Sabah chairman Jimmy Wong had erroneously flailed MCA as encouraging a job-hopping culture.

“He should look into DAP’s own mirror. Why did his bosses Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng support Anwar’s hop-over trick?”

Yoo stressed that Hiew did not hop over to MCA from DAP, but had turned Independent before applying to join MCA.

“Hiew is a very dedicated political leader who brings with him a wealth of experience. He had applied to become a MCA member after deliberating on the matter.”

