What are the Johoreans saying?

Sultan Ibrahim Johor

Big Dog

A new state enactment for Johor to empower the Sultan to appoint the Chairman and Members of the Board of Housing and Properties has received quite loud responses since it was first mentioned in the Johor State Assembly early this week.

When the news broke out as an Utusan Malaysia frontpage news on Thursday and covered in the TV3 evening news on Wednesday night, discussions on the social media and Whats App have been non-stop since.

There are the pros and many more cons on the proposed amendment for whatever reasons. Maybe it is not a good idea to proceed first till it is explained properly to the public and allowed to be seen by the public.

A negative public opinion puts the Sultan in a bad light. The last we wish to see his majesty being criticised and insulted openly by the subjects in these unstoppable social media environment.

In a chat conversation of a Whats App group of Johoreans in the Klang Valley, it is already reflecting so. One member e-mailed us the conversation and we like to share it as a an indication of what the opinions of thinking Johoreans.

As much as we could, we try to edit and tone down the rather too frank discussion.

We were first alerted of DAP’s Johor Assemblyman, Dr Boo Cheng Hau’s comment that was reported in Malaysia Chronicle on Wednesday 4th:


