Umno reps mull push for hudud in Selangor


(MMO) – After Kelantan, Selangor Barisan Nasional (BN) is now eager to see hudud roll out in Malaysia’s most developed state, which is likely to open another can of worms.

The state opposition coalition is meeting today to decide whether or not to propose a study to push out the controversial Islamic penal code at the next sitting of the Selangor legislative assembly, which starts next Monday.

Selangor State Assembly Speaker Hannah Yeoh confirmed the study on hudud to be among four proposals she received from BN for debate.

“I have yet to decide on them, whether to allow or not for them to be debated,” she told The Malay Mail Online in a text message.

Umno’s Sungai Air Tawar assemblyman Kamarol Zaki Abdul Malik, who mooted the study, told The Malay Mail Online that his proposal was submitted last week.

“It was submitted around a week ago, but it was sent on my behalf by Inmind,” Kamarol said over the phone, referring to Institut Perkembangan Minda, an agency which acts on behalf of BN assemblymen in the state.

The final word on the motion however, will hinge on a meeting of BN assemblymen ― all of them from Umno ― today.

The Malay Mail Online understands the proposal seeks to look into the possibility of enforcing hudud in Selangor.

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