Shariah Court to decide tomorrow on alleged Muslim’s religion


(TMI) – Counsel Wan Faridulhadi Mohd Yusoff, representing Teoh’s daughter Medelyn, said the Penang Islamic Council (Maipp) had submitted an application under Section 61(3)(10) of the Penang Islamic Administration Enactment seeking a declaration whether Teoh was a Muslim or not at the time of her death.

He said at the hearing today, Maipp presented as witnesses a representative of the Mualaf (new converts) registrar and the person involved in handling the forms.

Teoh’s family, he said, presented as witnesses Teoh’s daughter and a family friend.

“Both sides gave their testimonies and presented documents as evidence related to the registration of Teoh as a Muslim convert and whether the registration was completed.

“The witnesses (from the family) also spoke about how Teoh led her life since 1997, the year she was said to have embraced Islam, until the day she died. They spoke about her religious practices,” he told reporters after court adjourned.

Wan Faridulhadi would not reveal the identity of the close family friend, who testified for the family, nor would he confirm that Teoh’s Muslim boyfriend was present.

“That is not an issue,” he said.

The hearing was conducted before judge Zaim Md Yudin.

The media was not allowed into the court, believed to be at the request of the family.

Teoh, a mother of four, was reportedly found hanged at her home in George Town last Saturday following an argument with her long-time boyfriend.

The body was taken away by Penang Islamic Department (Jaipp) officers shortly before it was to be cremated Monday afternoon according to Taoist rites.

Lawyers Gobind Singh Deo, Ramkarpal Singh Deo and S. Raveentharan are expected to file a civil suit on behalf of Teoh’s family at the High Court tomorrow to get the body from Jaipp.

Earlier today, Wan Faridulhadi told reporters that Teoh had never converted.

He said her boyfriend revealed that Teoh applied to convert in 1997 when they were planning to marry but she never performed the “sya’adah” (proclamation of faith).
