DAP failed as gatekeeper in stopping hudud, bangs MCA


(The Malaysian Times) – DAP has failed in their task of providing a check and balance system, and also failed to play the role of gatekeeper in the state government, MCA publicity bureau chief Datuk Chai Kim Sen said today.

“Over and over again we have seen DAP step aside to allow PAS to table their private member’s bill on hudud implementation.

“If DAP continues to do so, it will not be surprising if one day Malaysia loses its secular status,” he said in a statement to The Malaysian Times (TMT).

“The Speaker for the Selangor state assembly from DAP, Hannah Yeoh, is still trying to play the blame game by allowing Umno Selangor to table their motion on the possibility of implementing hudud law in the state, and in doing so, allows DAP to blame MCA over this issue.

“However, DAP needs to be reminded that in April, when PAS Terengganu had attempted to table a motion on hudud law implementation, the motion was dismissed by the Terengganu Speaker, who incidentally, is from Umno.

“Yet here we see Hannah Yeoh, a non-Muslim, failing to prevent Umno from tabling their motion. As such, her decision can only be construed as deliberately opening the door to allow the implementation of hudud law,” he said.

This is probably DAP’s darkest day in all their history, he added.

Chai stressed that: “They (DAP) have completely abandoned their vision of a secular democratic nation, and their “Malaysian Malaysia” concept has clearly failed. Now, their true hypocritic nature has been made obvious.

“By blaming the federal government of failing to look after non-Muslim rights, it is clear that DAP has an ulterior motive; that is to see the establishment of a theocratic nation whilst hiding under the face of secularism.

“This is why they have been vague over PAS’ intentions to table their private member’s bill, as well as the failure by Hannah Yeoh in exercising her rights as the Speaker to prevent the motion on hudud from being tabled.

“As such, DAP should stop deceiving the public, and to stop hiding behind their façade of a secular democratic nation, as it is now clear that they support the implementation of hudud law, and are even willing to contest in the next General Election under PAS’ emblem,” Chai said.

