Malaysia’s greatest Islamic warriors

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Dr. Lim Teck Ghee, CPI

It is exceptional for one hero to emerge during one’s life time. But two? Unbelievable but yes – this unprecedented happening is taking place right now which makes this an amazing time to be a Muslim in Malaysia.

Riding to the rescue of the rudderless masses – confused by the arrival on our shores of huge numbers of gays, lesbians, dog lovers, Cadbury munchers and other purveyors of polluting and ‘haram’ consciousness and deeds who were secretly slipped in through our porous land and sea boundaries by western neo-colonialist agents bent on bringing the Golden Chersonese back into the sphere of Christian-Zionist influence – are two heroes and warriors of Islam.

Their war to ensure Islamic supremacy is not only against threats emanating from outside the country. The more dangerous threats are embedded deep within our midst in the form of munafik, pengkhianat, pendatang, penceroboh, Cinabengs, kaki botol, ultrakiasus,pariah dogs, liberals and even moderates. Taking advantage of the Christian and western financed anti-Muslim internet media, these devilish elements intent on destroying the fabric of Muslim society have emerged from the satanic darkness to spread lies and ply their propagandist filth of moderation, democracy, equality and human rights to the unsuspecting Muslim population.

Islamic icons

Who are these two warriors whose names should forever be emblazoned in the pages of Islamic history in our country? They are Ustaz Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman and Ustaz Mohd Ridhuan Tee. This extraordinary pair may have come from differing backgrounds but they complement each other perfectly in their uncompromising philosophies.

Abdullah Zaik’s stand is based on “Malays stand united; Islam reigns supreme”. Ridhuan Tee, a Chinese convert to Islam, cannot wave the Malay flag so easily. His slogan? The more prosaic “Muslims stand united; Islam reigns supreme”?

Imprisonment of the mind is the greatest scourge faced by humanity, especially by Muslims. Not only are these two warriors in a mission to cleanse the country of its unsavoury anti-Muslim minority, but they are also intellectual giants fighting ignorance and helping to rewrite the course of development in the country by less violent means. Clearly a ‘speak loudly and carry a big stick’ strategy. Abdullah Zaik’s accomplishments include a 64-page book, ’30 Soal Jawab, Melayu Sepakat Islam Berdaulat’. In this incredibly slim but profound volume, he is able to provide answers rooted in classical Islamic scholarship to all the burning issues of Malays, Muslims and Malaysia.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to think of any other book that has had such an impact on the Malay reading world. It is noteworthy that the book’s foreword was written by Deputy Prime Minister and deputy Umno president Muhyiddin Yassin and launched by minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom, both Islamic warriors too, though of lesser stature despite their higher political status.

Blockbuster film issue and plagiarism non-issue

Incidentally the book also serves as a ‘bible’ to the Isma clubs being established all over the world. At last count, there were Isma clubs in over 25 countries so it should not be long before 30 Soal Jawab makes it to the international bestseller list. Also rumour has it that the much castigated and misunderstood director of the Tanda Putera film, Shuhaimi Baba, is of the opinion that the book has the makings of a major cinematic hit in the Muslim world; and that she is the right person to bring it to the Islamic green screen.

This is an incredible opportunity for Finas, JAIS, Khazanah, etc to provide funding for a noble cause which can only add lustre to Malaysia’s Muslim credentials. Besides, it will provide the catalyst to the establishment of an Islamic film industry in Malaysia to give the decadent Hollywood empire (build on Jewish capital for the purpose of corrupting the Islamic soul) a run for their money. I am sure our Saudi colleagues will want to have a joint venture with us; but even if they do not want to, we have the petro dollars to make this happen.


