A-G stands firm on seized Bible issue despite religious council’s defiant response

abdul gani patail

(The Malaysian Insider) – Following the defiant response from the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais), the Attorney-General has reiterated his decision that The Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) is cleared of any wrongdoing and that the seized Malay and Iban-language Bibles should be returned to the group.

Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said there was no need for further verification because his statement issued on Thursday was clear enough.

“I have already made a statement before this. I have no wish to elaborate further on the subject,” Gani was quoted as saying in a report by Utusan Malaysia today.

“I stand by my decision,” Gani said, adding that the case was closed.

Yesterday, the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) issued a statement which called on the authorities to take action against the BSM.

Mais had said it did not agree with Gani’s decision to close the case, claiming that the A-G’s decision would cause confusion among Muslims.

Mais chairman Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa had said that they believed there was a case against BSM under the Non-Islamic Religion (Control of Propagation Among Muslims) Enactment 1988.

Adzib had also said that the Selangor state government had no authority to instruct the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) to return the seized Bibles.

“Mais does not agree with the state government. We believe it is not their discretion to issue such instructions,” Adzib had said.

Adzib had insisted that both Mais and Jais had a responsibility to protect the sanctity of Islam, especially in Selangor.

“We are very concerned at any attempt to tarnish the sanctity of the religion by misusing Quranic terms for names.

“This is especially for any move we believe could be used for proselytisation,” he said.

Later, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said he would meet all the relevant parties, including Mais, to discuss the issue of the seized Bibles.


