DAP lawmaker starts police report flurry against IGP


(Malay Mail Online) – DAP MP Gobind Singh today kicked off a nationwide series of police reports against the Inspector-General of Police for refusing to enforce court orders in resolving interfaith child custody disputes in which one parent is Muslim.

Saying that the matter was of “great public importance”, Gobind said that he wanted the police to launch an investigation to ensure public confidence in the judiciary.

On Tuesday, IGP Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar reportedly said that the police would take the middle path and not enforce court decisions when it was faced with conflicting orders from the Shariah and civil courts.

But Gobind said the IGP’s statement reflects “badly on our judiciary because the people expect that court orders will be enforced and complied with”.

“If the police don’t enforce court orders, that would result in the erosion of confidence in our judicial system,” the chairman of DAP’s national legal bureau told reporters after lodging his report at the police station at Mile 9, Cheras.

If the police fails to enforce court orders, there would be “lawlessness” in the country as people would go to court seeking legal remedies that cannot be carried out, he said.

Gobind cited Section 20 (3) (f) of the Police Act and Section 187 of the Penal Code to back his report, saying these two provisions make it a requirement for police to assist in enforcing court orders.

The Puchong MP also criticised the IGP’s suggestion that children at the heart of child custody disputes be placed in childcare centres.

“That is totally preposterous….the law tries to keep families together, not break them apart,” he said during the press conference also attended by other DAP national leaders.

Gobind is the first DAP leader to lodge a report against the IGP.  Other DAP leaders are expected to make reports tomorrow.

