Press Statement by Ho Jia Lit in response to VK Liew’s press statement

Charlie Ho

When the LDP’s leadership helmed by Datuk Teo Chee Kang obtained endorsement from the Registrar of Societies and Barisan Nasional early this year, former LDP president Datuk VK Liew’s little hope of preserving the presidency albeit without support in the Party was totally shattered.

He then started to use all means to destroy LDP, a Party which he led for 7 years. That is why in his application to the High Court for Judicial Review, he applied for an Order of Mandamus to oblige the ROS to issue a show cause letter to LDP to pave way for the Party to be deregistered!

LDP’s loyalty and commitment to BN is beyond doubts. We joined the ruling coalition in 1991, when it was the oppositions in Sabah.

I was also the Party’s Deputy Secretary General in the last term. It was never in the agenda of any Supreme Council meeting as to whether the Party should leave the BN coalition. VK Liew’s revelation that LDP was close to leaving BN is just a fictitious story that he created to enable him to claim credit for having stopped LDP from leaving BN.

I regret that VK Liew has since assumed the role as a satay man fanning up hatred and distrust between LDP and other component Parties, in line with his grand plan of destroying the Party.

As a former Deputy Minister, it is utterly distasteful of him to despise a Party leader just because one’s educational attainment is not as high as him. This speaks volumes of his character.

To keep the whatever little  dignity left in him, I urge VK Liew to stop fanning up fire, for he may only get himself burnt.

I would like to advise him that a fullstop is a fullstop, it will be futile for him trying to make a comma out of a fullstop. He is history.

Ho Jia Lit
Deputy Secretary General

