Hasan Ali rallies behind Mais in bible case, questions Selangor state government’s motives


(Malay Mail Online) – The leader of a Malay group today backed the decision made by the Selangor Islamic religious authorities not to return bibles seized from a Christian organisation, saying that the council has acted with sincerity.

Datuk Hasan Ali who heads the Malay rights group Jati questioned the Selangor state government’s motives for demanding the return of over 300 bibles seized from the Bible Society of Malaysia because the books use the word Allah to refer to God.

“Jati is confident that no one is behind Mais’ decision. Mais made the decision based on sincerity and its responsibility for protecting the religion and the community’s faith. Nothing more than that,” he said in a statement.

“Who is behind the state government’s eagerness for Mais, through Jais to return the bibles confiscated immediately when there was no such instruction from the Attorney-General?” he added.

Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) and Islamic Religious Department (Jais) are now seeking a court ruling which will enable them to dispose the bibles which had been seized on January 2.

Yesterday, Mais said that they will not return the bibles, claiming that the Attorney-General has erred by deciding not to pursue charges in the case.

Mais reiterated that Jais, which comes under the council’s purview, will not adhere to the directive issued by the Selangor state government because the state had “no power” in the matter.

Mais insisted that there are grounds to “prosecute” BSM under the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Among Muslims) Enactment 1988.

Hasan today said the Mentri Besar and other Muslim executive councillors had “failed to defend Islam” in the state.

“They are seen as satisfying the needs of its political partners, DAP, PKR and a handful of PAS leaders who are willing to put aside the interests of Islam for the sake of maintaining and widening the little power that they have,” he said.

The former PAS leader also questioned whether the Attorney-General has absolute authority in  a case involving the interests of Islam.

Hasan added that it was Jati’s concern that this incident is only the tip of the iceberg in the effort to eliminate Islam from Malaysia.

“Malaysians, especially Muslims, Islamic organisations and Malay-Muslim organisations and other organisations which highly views Islam should stand by Mais in its efforts to defend Allah’s religion which is currently facing attacks.

“The work of certain groups who do not want to see Islam taking root and growing in this country are  well-organised with the support, not only from certain parties in the country, as well as with international agencies,” he said.

