Only the ignorant would call hudud unjust, Hadi says


(MMO) – PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang hit back at critics of hudud yesterday, labelling those who mock and call the controversial Islamic penal law unjust as “ignorant”.

Harakah Daily, the PAS organ, quoted Hadi as saying that the wisdom behind the severe physical punishments such as stoning and the amputation of limbs prescribed under hudud was to instil fear and deter crime.

“It is wrong if we think that the public will race to steal so that their hands and legs will be chopped off.

“What will really happen instead, is there will be many criminals repenting,” Hadi said while launching the Seminar to Uphold the Islamic Code (Tegas).

The Marang MP also insisted that hudud is meant to educate and not punish, despite the harsh and permanent penalties.

He pointed out that hudud punishments have very strict prerequisites, and that judges would do their best to acquit criminals instead.

Hadi also reiterated the opinion of hudud proponents who say that man-made laws have failed to curb the rising crime in the country.

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