After body snatching, Penang insists budding Muslim converts must notify kin


(MMO) – Penang is making it mandatory for non-Muslims planning to embrace Islam to inform their families ahead of conversion to prevent a repeat of last week’s controversial body snatching by state Islamic authorities.

Penang’s Datuk Abdul Malik Abdul Kassim said that this new practice would be introduced by the state religious department, but added that it did not mean that these potential Muslim converts had to obtain the families’ consent for the change in religion.

“This procedure will not become a law but the state Islamic Affairs Department (Jaipp) plans to impose this practice so that misunderstandings will not happen in the future.

“The family does not have to agree; they may object to the conversion, but they must be informed,” the state’s Islamic Affairs, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs committee chairman was quoted saying yesterday by local daily The Star.

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