The hunt for transgenders and homosexuals


Being and doing “good” no longer means possessing moral virtue such as kindness and empathy towards others, rather “good” appears to be a synonym for moral self-righteousness and cruelty. 

Sara Wong, TMI

I live in a country that boasts of many things: a multiracial society that is a melting pot of religions and cultures, the Petronas Twin Towers, beautiful islands, exotic wildlife and a relatively healthy economy.

But I also live in a country where I do not walk around my neighbourhood alone because I am fearful of being kidnapped for ransom or sold into prostitution. I live in a country where I am afraid to take a taxi to work because many women have been raped by taxi drivers.

I live in a country where I dread walking along a busy sidewalk because of the catcalls and leery stares I receive from men. I live in a country where I consider myself fortunate that less than half my family members have been robbed or attacked. Welcome to my country, Malaysia.

However, the anxiety and fear I experience living as a female in Malaysia is nothing compared to what the 17 transgender women had to face last week when the Negri Sembilan religious authorities raided a Malay wedding and detained 17 women for violating a ban on cross-dressing.

One woman, who was a minor, was released, but the remaining 16 women, all of whom were first time offenders, were fined RM950 and jailed for 7 days each. Failure to pay the fine would have resulted in 6 months worth of jail. But this was just the start of their troubles: these women had their heads shaved bald and were forced to spend jail time in the male prison as our government refuses to recognise transgenders. Some women also reported that they were physically violated as their clothes were ripped off and they were choked and kicked.

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