Malaysia not a secular state, says Speaker


Parliament speaker today affirms that Malaysia is not a secular state though it practices secular laws

(Free Malaysia Today) – Sibu MP Oscar Ling’s motion against Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Dato’ Seri Jamil Khir Baharom for misleading the House with his statement that Malaysia is not a secular state was rejected in parliament today.

“The facts in front of me proves that the minister in question (Jamil Khir) bears no ill will with his views. The motion was made against the statement of whether Malaysia is a secular or Islamic country.

“Malaysia is not a secular country although we do practise secular laws,” said Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia.

The speaker referred to the 1988 case of Che Omar B Che Soh vs Public Prosecutor where the presiding judge Mohd Salleh Abas had declared that our laws were secular.

“The courts however, did not mention that the country was secular.”

Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen had tried to point out that this does not agree with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 where Sabah and Sarawak is recognised as not having any official religion.

“If the speaker feels that we are not a secular state then it is wrong. Sabah and Sarawak were never ruled by any Islamic royal families and we are considered secular under the agreement.”


