‘Unacceptable to keep the Bibles’


BSM insists the 321 copies of the confiscated books be returned without further delay

(Free Malaysia Today) – The Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) has today sent a strong message to Mais and Jais: Return the Bibles and don’t dispose of them.

“It is absolutely unacceptable for Mais (Selangor Islamic Religious Council) or Jais (Selangor Islamic Religious Department) to dispose of the Bibles,” said BSM president Bishop Ng Moon Hing.

He said the Bibles must be returned without further delay since there was no more doubt about the status of the 321 copies of the Bahasa Malaysia and Iban language Bibles confiscated from the premises of the BSM early this year.

He added that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has himself urged Mais to abide by the decision of Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail (who said the Bibles did not pose a threat to national security and that no charges would be preferred against BSM).

Gani has instructed Mais to return the holy books to BSM.

“It is both unacceptable and unconscionable for Mais or Jais to insist on holding on to the Bibles,” Ng said in a statement.

He pointed out that Article 145 (3) of the Federal Constitution has spelt out that any prosecution for an offence was at the discretion of the Attorney-General.

“Given what the Attorney-General had said, it is crystal-clear that there will not be any prosecution (of BSM),” he said.

“Jais’ insistence that it intends to hold on to the seized Bibles is without foundation… more importantly, it is an absolute breach of the rule of law,” he said.

On Mais’ intention to dispose of the books, Ng said the Bibles were not unlawful or subversive documents.

“It is absolutely unacceptable for Mais or Jais to speak of disposing of the books. These books are religious books of the Christian community,” he said.

“Under what civil law do they purport to have the authority to even suggest such an act?” he asked.


